8 Top AI Tools to Supercharge Your Business, Productivity, and Creativity

March 24, 2023

*Please note that some of the links (not all) are associated with our affiliate referral accounts to these tools. If you choose to click and sign-up or purchase from those links, you will help a small business earn a very small commission that helps us run our business and employ amazing huumans.


Let's get a few things straight right off the bat. AI isn't just some buzzword, and no, it's not just trending: it's here to stay and it's going to (if it doesn't already) rock our worlds. Millions, if not billions, have already been using some form of AI for quite some time in a plethora of ways. We won't get into any of that on this blog. Maybe later. ο»ΏπŸ™‚ο»Ώ

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is becoming more and more integrated in our lives and how we leverage it as a tool or resource will dictate what our future will look like (cue The Terminator).

Just kidding - let's paint a more positive picture, like Back to the Future Part 2. Yessssss.

Ok, back to AI in 2023: many of you have probably heard the new saying "AI won't replace you, a Human using AI will." New AI tools are popping up left and right and what's going to matter is not which tools are created, but rather how humans decide to use them. While this blog focuses on a wide range of tools and softwares, future articles will be more focused on specific use cases, industries, and business functions. If you want to stay updated on future blogs be sure to subscribe here.

The tools we focus on here are great for content creators, marketers, graphic designers, coaches, productivity gurus, entrepreneurs, and even DJs (if you know me, then you know I had to throw that in). IMPORTANT NOTE: with all AI tools, please do not simply copy and paste. Do your DUE DILIGENCE: AI websites and tools are still in their early stages, so the chance for inaccuracies is still relatively high.

Alright, let's get into it. And of course, by no surprise the first tool we will quickly cover is...


1. ChatGPT by OpenAI


ChatGPT is a powerful generative AI language model that has revolutionized the way businesses create content. With its advanced capabilities, ChatGPT can draft emails, generate social media content, and even write engaging blog posts. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can save time, ensure your content is always top-notch, and captivate your audience like never before.

Huuman Perspective

By now most all huumans (don't check Grammarly, that's how we spell it here) have heard of ChatGPT unless you're living under a rock or in a place with limited access to the internet. Recently, ChatGPT introduced the GPT-4 language model that is even more advanced than the previous version, with enhanced capabilities like advanced reasoning, complex instructions, and even more creativity. At Huumanize, we absolutely LOVE this tool because it helps us ideate strategies better and quicker, find unique ways to convey messaging for our client's brands and increase our productivity - just to name a few. Generating and fixing various types of codes is another game-changer that we are slowly experimenting with but don't tell our Web Dev department just yet.....shhhh).


2. Jasper AI


Another AI-driven copywriting tool worth considering is Jasper AI. Designed to create compelling and creative content, Jasper AI is perfect for crafting blog posts, sales copy, social media content, and more. Its advanced language model delivers well-crafted, engaging, and contextually relevant content that helps your brand stand out from the competition.

Huuman Perspective

Some may think, why would I need another copywriting tool when there's ChatGPT? While ChatGPT is absolutely fantastic, unless you get into some advanced prompting it may be a bit difficult to get something unique and non-generic. First, Jasper has a ton of templates built-in for a variety of content types like Facebook Ads, Amazon Product Features, Youtube Video Scripts, Blogs, Press Releases, and much more. Second, the UI/UX is great and the team at Jasper has done a great job of making it easy for you to input your thoughts, keywords to include (great for SEO), and tone of voice. But one of my favorite features of Jasper is the "Explain it to a Child" template which rephrases your text to make it easier for any age group to understand. For a free trial, feel free to get one by clicking here.


A screenshot of some of the powerful pre-built template options from Jasper AI.


My favorite feature in Jasper AI - "Explain it to a Child" which allows you to choose the grade level output. Amazing.


3. MidJourney AI


MidJourney is a fantastic generative AI-powered platform that helps artists, creators, and designers streamline their content generation process. With its powerful natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, this tool can automatically generate incredibly realistic images via "prompts". It's very similar to Β OpenAI's DALL-E and Stable Diffusion, although we believe MidJourney wins here.

Huuman Perspective

Of all the tools mentioned, this one blows our minds the most. Sometimes we'll be discussing something on our Slack channels and someone comes up with an idea, and within 5-10 minutes we have some pretty epic sh*t created. It's unreal how good this tool is with Version 5, although it wasn't always that way. We'll be showcasing more of our work and prompt ideation on future blogs and social channels so be sure to follow us and stay connected. Check out some of the samples we have created below:






4. Todoist AI Assistant


Effective task management is essential for entrepreneurs, designers, marketers, coaches, and solopreneurs. Todoist AI Assistant is an intelligent task management tool that helps you stay organized by prioritizing tasks, suggesting deadlines, and even rescheduling items based on your workload. With Todoist AI Assistant, you can focus on what matters most while the AI takes care of the rest.

Huuman Perspective

Todoist has been a leader in task management for quite some time - I personally love it and have used it since 2016. Recently, they added the AI Assistant feature which allows you to do 3 things to any task: give tips for completing a task, make tasks more actionable, and break the task down. Since implementing the AI Assistant, tasks seem much more manageable and add a lot of clarity to what you need to do to get sh*t done.

If you'd like to receive two months of Todoist Pro for FREE, please click here and sign up to log in to get two free months of Todoist Pro.


View of the Todoist App and the options for its AI Assistant integration


5. Sound Draw


As the popularity of audio content continues to rise, Sound Draw is an AI-powered tool that enables you to create unique and engaging audio content in just a few minutes. Whether you need background music for a podcast or a catchy tune for a promotional video, Sound Draw generates custom audio tracks tailored to your needs. This innovative tool is perfect for creating high-quality audio content without breaking the bank.

Huuman Perspective

Imagine being able to create royalty-free and licensable (check limitations) music with the help of AI! The music you generate can be used in a variety of content types and creator channels. You can choose from different moods, genres, themes, lengths, tempos, and even instruments to get started. Once you create the tracks, you can go Pro Mode and change a huge amount of musical elements like drums, bass, melody, and even key or pitch of the song. Sound Draw is perfect for Youtube creators, podcasts, audiobooks, guided meditations, videos, and more.


Pro Mode View in Sound Draw allows you to edit multiple elements of a song as well as customize it to make it more of your own creation.


6. Pictory


Pictory AI is an innovative platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to transform your images and text into captivating visual stories. It's perfect for content creators, marketers, and anyone looking to up their game in the visual storytelling arena. With Pictory AI, you can create stunning and professional-quality content that truly resonates with your audience.

Huuman Perspective

I wouldn't necessarily compare Pictory to a video editing tool: it's more of a productivity tool in our opinion. It allows you to input your script or text for an AI-powered analysis, then it puts together a full video including stock video, music, captions, and effects in a matter of minutes. While the first draft may need some work, it's an absolute game-changer for taking action on your content. It allows you to trim and edit videos, add voiceover, change the settings, and add transitions. Pictory comes with a lot of pre-loaded templates, but you can upload your own visuals, audio and more. If you're looking for an efficient way to create engaging videos or tutorials, this is definitely a tool to explore.




7. CoSchedule Headline Studio


An attention-grabbing headline is crucial for engaging your target audience. CoSchedule Headline Studio is an AI-powered tool that helps you create powerful headlines for blog posts, email campaigns, and social media content. By analyzing your headlines and providing real-time feedback, CoSchedule Headline Studio ensures your content makes a lasting impact and drives engagement.

Huuman Perspective

Okay, CoSchedule Headline Studio is not a new AI tool; it's actually been powered by AI for quite some time (we've been using it tool since 2019). It's by far one of our favorite tools for title creation and optimizing for SEO. You can simply add in your title and it will give you a headline score ranging from 0-100. At Huumanize, we make it a principle to have a headline score of at least 70 (Green Score) for all of our titles. If you don't get to a 70 score, Headline Studio will give you a breakdown based on word balance and how many common, uncommon, emotional, and power words you use, as well as headline type, reading grade level (love this!), sentiment, clarity, and skimmability.


8. Wellsaid Labs

Wellsaid Labs offers an AI-powered text-to-speech solution that transforms written content into lifelike, natural-sounding voiceovers. With a range of customizable voice options (or avatars, as the platform calls them), entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, creators, and designers can produce engaging audio content for their projects without having to record their own or hire talent.

While we transparently do not use this in our day-to-day operations, we love the fact that this tool (amongst many others) exists when you need them. Whether for corporate videos, trainings, personal brand content, books, courses, and more, a tool like this can help you clearly communicate almost anything in audio format. The AI text-to-speech is going to be an exciting one to watch as there are a lot of great tools out there. Another great option is Murf.ai, which supports over 20 languages in text-to-speech format, so be sure to check that one out as well.



Final Thoughts

Alright, so here's the deal: our company is named Huumanize for a reason. We believe in bringing the huuman out in every business because that's how we all connect, through humanity (or is it huumanity?). As we move into uncharted territory with AI, the one thing we will always believe is that the power of marketing is through humans and our emotional connection. Nothing will change that, but we also are going to embrace what the future may hold for us.

With that being said, the AI revolution is here to stay, and leveraging its power through these eight (plus a gazillion more) awesome tools will not only streamline your creative processes but also give you a competitive edge. From AI-driven language models like ChatGPT and Jasper AI to visually stunning content generators like MidJourney AI and Pictory, these tools are designed to propel your brand to new heights and give you more inspiration, quicker. Stay organized with Todoist AI Assistant, captivate your audience with Sound Draw's unique audio content, and create compelling headlines with CoSchedule Headline Studio. Lastly, bring your written content to life with lifelike voiceovers from Wellsaid Labs or Murf.ai.

Embrace the future and elevate your content creation game by integrating these groundbreaking AI tools into your workflow, and witness the transformative impact on your brand and audience engagement. Stay ahead of the curve and make sure to subscribe to our blog for more AI insights, innovations, and success stories.


Let's explore!